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Question of the Day

In the Discord Server, we have a Question of the Day which posts daily for our members to answer. Topics range from general writing questions to DA lore to to character development questions about original characters and even playlists! We have several questions which repeat on a schedule.

The QOTD began in March 2020 and has continued faithfully since. Over time the system we use to manage our QOTD has evolved from a manual bot code prone to human error to a database system… that still has human error, but less of it.

We gladly welcome question submissions!

Monthly Prompt

On the first of each month, we prompt the server with a word prompt. The prompts are generic enough they can be used for either art or writing. Prompt completions can be shared throughout the month and members are welcome to showcase wips and chat about their prompt answers. Prompts can be filled at any point throughout the month (and beyond!)

Picrew Day

On the second of each month, we share a picrew or other dollmaker and encourage our members to create their OC/MC/PC in the picrew.

Screenshot Day

We ask members to share screenshots from playthroughs on the 10th of each month.

Theme Week

The third week of the month is dedicated to one theme per day. The themes are:

  • Six Sentence/Six Minute Monday
    Writers share six sentences from a WIP or artists share six minutes of progress on a wip with a before and after.
  • Monday Musings
    A focus on sharing and talking about headcanons!
  • Turmoil Tuesday
    A focus on angsty fics, wips, and art.
  • WIP Wednesday
    Share an update on your wip!
  • Thirsty Thursday
    A focus on thirsty and smutty fics, wips, and art.
  • Fic Rec Friday
    Rec a fic not by you!
  • Soft Saturday
    A focus on fluffy fics, wips, and art.

We welcome our members to share their themed answers outside of the server on social media and have banners they can use for that purpose.